
Saturday, December 16, 2023

A Recipe For Love

Recipe For Love

Author - Anne Malcolm

Rating - ⭐ 1/5

The book started off strong but then went downhill. The first chapter had me completely engrossed and hooked with its brilliance. But as I continued reading, it all turned into a mess. Now don't get me wrong - I'm not one to be overly critical - but there were moments when I simply had to put down the book because what was written was too much for me to handle.

Despite its potential, the execution was abysmal. At first, it promised to be a perfect blend of grumpiness and sunshine, with elements like instant love and longing for one another.

The initial spark ignited by this story soon faded into disappointment as I witnessed Rowan's caveman-like behavior.

His constant brooding behavior coupled with controlling tendencies made him quite unlikable at times (not gonna lie). There were some cringe-worthy comments during intimate scenes between the two leads.

Nora went off on too many tangents and gave us countless useless inner monologues.

The story itself was moving at a slow pace, and this just made things worse. And, not to mention the fact that she had anxiety and was a hypochondriac. These were treated as quirks rather than real disorders that people struggle with.

Also, can we address how rushed the romance between these characters felt? One moment something happens and suddenly our leading man is declaring “ownership” over her without any substantial conversations besides discussing pastry preferences!

For me, the recipes at the end were the saving grace!


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